Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here We Grow Again!

They say that babies have growth spurts around 3 and 6 weeks, and then again around 3 and 6 months. I know Callen will be 12 weeks this Thursday and not a true 3 months until November 1, but his 3 month growth spurt is in full swing. The boy is eating me out of house and home!! not really, but if his habits now are any indication of what he will be like as a teenager, Doug and I need to start saving now for that grocery bill! I had done really well to have Callen on a schedule of eating every 3 hours during the day. He would require a little extra TLC around 2 hours and 45 minutes in order to make it to the 3 hour mark. These last few days we have made it to about an hour and forty five minutes before I get the 'Woody Woodpecker' attack to my shoulder. I am doing well to hold him off for 2 hours between feedings. Cal was also feeding for about 10 minutes total and that would satisfy him. Now he is easily eating for 15 minutes on one side and then eating 7-10 minutes on the other side before he is done. Whew...he is wearing me out during the day! I feel like I am feeding him nonstop right now. 

He is moving into 3-6 month clothing. Depending on the brand, 0-3 months is getting snug both lengthwise and widthwise. 3-6 month stuff is still a little big, but what I buy all the time now.  I can't believe how quickly he has grown out of some of these outfits. Sometimes I will just play 'dress up' with him so he can wear as many of my favorite outfits and onesies in a day in order to get good use out of them. 

After he feeds, we still get about 45 minutes of fun play time before he wants to snooze for 20-30 minutes. He is really starting to develop a little personality, and has been 'talking' so much more. He 'talks' to me, I answer him back, and then he talks back to me; this happens several times before he starts laughing. So cute! I have been trying to get it on camera, but I swear the boy knows when the camera or phone comes out. He stops everything fun and cute he is doing, and just lays there silent. Plus, I don't want to be one of those people that spends their lives behind a phone or camera waiting for something to happen and then miss all the live moments. I know I am guilty of doing this sometimes, but am really trying to take in all the moments as they happen.

I am hoping this growth spurt allows him to sleep longer in the night. He consistently sleeps for about 4 hours after first going to bed (from 8:00-12:00), but then normally wakes after 3 hours the rest of the night. He is usually up for good anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30am. I have heard from friends that their kids started sleeping longer at night once they hit the 14 pound mark. He is inching closer to that number, so maybe we will be lucky! I am fine with one wake up during the night since he goes to bed so early. Any stretch of 6-7 hours is fine with Doug and me!!!

This is what we have done the last few days...

Lots of milk!

Sleeping in a contorted position

Resting in my mommy's arms

Falling asleep to the vacuum cleaner

Here is a look back at his weight and length...

 I will be interested to see what his 3 month stats are!

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