Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sick Baby...

It took 7 months, but Callen got his 1st ear infection over the weekend. He had a slight cold last week, but he has had a runny nose and cough in the past and got through it without any problems. However, on Friday night, he spiked a fever. I knew right away that he had an ear infection. I called my sister and asked her to check his ears before I called the pediatrician. She looked at him and said they were not raging with infection, but would head in that direction if not treated. So, off to the doctor for our first sick visit. His right ear was worse than his left, and a round of antibiotics was ordered.
Callen spent Saturday just hanging out in our arms, sleeping, or lying on the floor. He had minimal appetite for anything other than mommy's milk. He was so congested that when he ate, he would gag and throw up because he couldn't breathe well. It broke my heart to see him this way. But, on a positive note, we got lots of extra snuggle time with him! For a baby that is so active and can't sit in your lap for more than 2 seconds without reaching to grab whatever is near you, it was soooooo great to just lie around with him and have him snuggle all day! He has slept with us either in our room or his for two nights so that we could keep him elevated. This helped with the congestion some, but he still has a runny nose and congested croupy sounding cough. We go back to the pediatrician on the 31st for a recheck. I hope and pray he is well by then.

Callen is still all smiles even while sick. We play hard until he tires out. When he gets tired (which is more often), he gets a little more whiny than usual, and he is definitely more clingy to me during the day. I feel so bad for him. We try and suction bulb his nose, and he squirms and cries. We try and give him his antibiotic, and he is lock jaw. The boy just does not want to be bothered with right now!
I think we are on the mend. His runny nose and cough don't seem to be as bad today, and he is even happier than he has been all week. He is even starting to do some commando crawling (forward!) around the living room. He just started this last night, so we don't have it on video ye. He is loving his new 'big boy' toys. He is finally able to touch the ground and enjoy them!

 Future Rockstar!

I have been slack about posting this week since I have been taking care of Callen most of the time.But the biggest reason is...we had a new addition to our family on Monday!!!!


 to my sister, Brittany and her hubby, Michael on the birth of their daughter 

 March 17, 2014 * 6:25pm * 6lbs 7oz * 19in

She is an absolute doll!! I m ready for Cal to get better so we can spend more time with her. Cal is going to be an awesome big cousin and show Ella how to get into all kinds of trouble...

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