Tuesday, March 11, 2014

7 Months!

Hard to believe another month has passed, and Callen is 7 months old! This boy does NOT stop moving. He is not yet crawling, but finds every way possible to get to a toy placed in front of him. He will roll, twist, scoot, and do anything else he can to get to his toys. On the hardwoods, he is able to scoot backwards...we have found his head sticking out from under the bed or sofa once or twice! 

Beware if Cal is in your lap; he is in constant motion. Between grabbing for objects, wanting to stand up on your legs, reaching for your food or drink, or just turning to look at everything going on, the boy does not stop moving. You would think with all this activity, he would pass out in order to recharge...not so much! Still napping 30-45 minutes at a time. The days he sleeps past the 45 minute mark are a rarity. I honestly think he does not want to miss a single thing that goes on in the house. What he needs to realize is that as long as he is asleep, NOTHING fun is going on in the house! I am squeezing in a quick shower after a trip to the gym, eating lunch, or cleaning; nothing he can't miss. This is Cal when he was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. Diaper change to go down for a nap turns into this...

Callen is a little ray of sunshine! His catfish grin can make anyone smile. He is a ham, especially to all the ladies that talk to him. He will be in serious mode while people are talking to him, and then all of a sudden he cracks the biggest grin. The person talking to him just smiles and laughs, and he knows he has done a good job! He is great to take along for errands and anything else I have going on. He goes with me to the gym several times a week, and hardly makes a peep while there. I was worried about separation anxiety starting with him, but so far he hasn't showed signs of it. I can take him most anywhere I go, and he tags along like a champ. He loves being in new places and looking around at all that is going on. He is very inquisitive already, and takes in everything around him.

Running errands at Target...mom makes me try on crazy hats!
Callen continues to do well with his eating. He has added mango, broccoli, green beans, and pears to his previous list of foods. As he gets used to eating single foods, I am going to start mixing up the purees to give him a variety of tastes and textures with each meal. He loves eating time! We have recently started giving him whole pieces of food...apples and pears...that have been steamed and soft enough for him to eat. However, he grabbed a slice of my raw apple the other day and went to town on it. 

Cal LOVES bath time. He was getting too big for the seat that goes into the sink, so we started looking for other options. I have heard of people placing their kids and all their toys in laundry baskets in the tub. I remember my siblings having a ring that suctioned to the bottom of the tub. I like the laundry basket idea, but didn't want something so big taking up space in the tub all the time. I can't find one of those rings in any store or online except for ebay...and it comes from overseas somewhere. So, I opted for a rubber mat with grippers on it that suctions to the tub floor. This is working great so far, and Callen loves his new freedom. He plays on his back, sits up, and flips to his belly and swims around the tub. He has so much fun during bath time, and it is so cute to watch him.

Playing Twister in the tub!!

I say it every month, but time is going by way too fast. I can't believe how big Callen is getting. He is so much fun, and I just love seeing him explore and learn so many new things. He is such a joy, and makes us laugh each and every day.

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