Monday, June 26, 2017


View of the sunset from our back deck

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks. We were on vacation over the span of 2 weekends, and then I spent this last week getting ready for Graham's first birthday party (post coming soon...I think!!!). We are back and hopefully slowing down for a few weeks.

We went on a beach trip with my family to Harbor Island, SC. Harbor Island is beside Hunting Island near Beaufort. I had never been to that area of the coast, and really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere and beautiful marsh views from our house. Callen and Graham loved the beach, and would go nonstop all day if you let them. They each had fun playing in the ocean...Callen had no fear and was jumping through the waves and playing with anyone that would take him out. Graham loved standing in the water, splashing his hands, and trying to blow bubbles in the water (he didn't like the salt water hitting his lips though!). Lots of sand castles were built and almost as much sand was consumed by Graham. The boys had a blast!

Not sure why you need goggles to dig!

The laid back lifestyle!

Smashing the waves with Papa

Graham enjoyed sitting and letting the waves crash over his feet or wanted to be out a few feet from shore and stand in the water


Playing 4 square with Scuba and Papa

Playing with Scuba and Ber

A boy and the ocean
 Love these shots captured by Aunt B!
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We took a day to ride our bikes to Hunting Island State Park. We wanted to walk up in the lighthouse, but Callen did not meet the height requirement, so we had to scratch that plan. We ended up walking on the beach for a while before finding a hiking trail to explore. Cal was super tired, and passed out on the hike. We were all hot, the humidity was through the roof, and the bugs were insane, so we hiked 2 partial loops and quickly made our way back to the bikes. It was a beautiful park that we would like to explore further and camp at...but definitely in cooler temperatures.

We also drove into Beaufort for a day. We visited the Kazoobie Kazoo museum since it was listed on every list I saw of things to do with kids in Beaufort. It was a cute little tour, and we all walked away with kazoos. Graham quickly figured out how to work the kazoo, and our ears aren't sure if that was a good idea or bad idea to let him play with it! We had lunch by the waterfront park, and then made our way to the playground at the park. There was a fire pole at the playground, so Cal was a happy boy. Give him a fire pole, and he will stay occupied forever playing fireman rescue.
Graham figuring out the kazoo

Callen making his own kazoo

Our best attempt at a family pic!

Enjoying some Italian Ice on a HOOOOOTTT day
 We enjoyed bike rides and spending time at the pool while on the island. Cal loved being able to ride on the golf cart, but also loved that he could ride his bike most places.

It was a fun trip with my family. Lots of laughs and fun times together.

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