Sunday, May 14, 2017

2 weeks!

I'm behind a week! We went camping last weekend, and didn't get back until Monday. That threw me off and felt like I was running behind all week. So, I figured I would post two weeks at once.

April 29: We had our siding and windows replaced, but did not have the interior of the windows painted (FYI: make sure you order your windows painted inside if they are wood. This is a pain!!) We are just starting to paint the trim and interior...1 window down and 16 to go.

Helping daddy prep the window and trim for painting

May 1: This boy wears me out day after day! He is constantly on the go, and tears the kitchen apart any chance he gets.

Climbing (and hanging) from the spice rack!
May 2: Trip the zoo. Graham was finally interested in the long as they were moving. He was fascinated by the giraffes.

Love his concentration and excitement for the animals. He was actually mid wave in this pic
May 3: Enjoying a popsicle on the back deck on a hot afternoon

May 4: Callen enjoys going grocery shopping with me. We pretty much always go to Aldi where you have to put a quarter in the buggy to release it. He insists on taking his own quarter, and pushing his own cart now. It's actually working out well when I have a lot of stuff. I give him all the fragile items, and out all the heavy items in my cart.

May 5: Uncle Dave came into town to go camping with us. We took him to Gateway Park to see Callen ride his bike on the mountain bike skills course. We also took his new bike with us to work on riding it. Cal did very well and got the hang of it. It's still too heavy for him, so he has a hard time starting and stopping on his own.

May 6-7: Camping at Black Rock Mountain State Park (I'll have to do a separate post on this another day. Fun trip!)
The first night we were there was FREEZING! Rainy and cold (it got down to around 34 deg that night!). We hung out in the tent for the evening and had a good time...good thing our tent is as big as a tiny house!

The next day we were able to get out and hike a few trails. The weather was beautiful as was the scenery. This is from a trail we hiked around the lake. Doug, Dave, and Callen climbing on the rocks.

May 8: D-U-N, done!
This is Callen after 2 days of camping and going non stop!! Less than 2 minutes in the car after dropping off Dave and spending time in Cumming, GA, at Grandmom's house!
May 9: Unpacking from our trip. Graham is pretty good about keeping himself entertained. I heard him crawling around and making noise, so I wasn't too worried. I figured he was in his room with Callen. When I popped my head in there to check, there was Callen but no Graham. I started going towards the sound of the noise and found him IN the cooler. The cooler had been closed, but G found a way to open it and then climb into it. Thank goodness he opened the lid back up! Cal thought this was the funniest thing, and had to climb in with his brother.

Pure joy!
May 10: This came home from school today. I absolutely love these and think the responses are so cute. This is the first one I have ever gotten, and will cherish it always. Cal's answers are pretty good and seem to be really thought out!

May 11: Cal has been taking gymnastics since January. He loves jumping into the foam pit at the end. His teacher let him run the length of the gym and jump into the pit today. He LOVED it and did it multiple times! Usually he has to stand on the platform and just jump down into the pit.

May 12: Graham is enjoying playing cars and trucks with Cal. He crawls around and pushes the cars around the kitchen and living room. I caught this sweet moment of both boys playing trucks together!

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