Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hikes and New Bikes

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter, and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. We have been staying busy around here. You can't help but stay busy when you have two boys who are constantly on the go!! Graham wants so badly to walk. He stands, pushes your hands away when you try and help him walk, and then lunges forward into your arms.

April 15: Hiking Riley Moore Falls...a short hike but perfect for Cal's little legs to be able to hike. Bonus is a wonderful waterfall with sandy beach as a destination. We stayed and played on the rocks and around the waterfall for quite some time before heading back to the parking area.
Graham's first time in the big carrier. He loved being able to look around (and watch his brother!)

As always, Cal had a blast climbing on the rocks

April 16: Easter: We spent the day going to church and having lunch with my family. Cal enjoyed hunting Easter eggs and then making everyone else hunt while he 'hid' the eggs (He got bored quickly and started throwing the eggs in the air. Where they landed is where he hid them!!)

The best pic we got of the boys together!

April 17: A rainy day! I took the boys to the Farmer's Market to finally get plants for the garden. It was raining so hard that we stayed in the car for a while to let the rain die down. No such luck!!
Graham does not like his car seat right now, so he was very happy to be able to climb out of it instead of sitting in it

April 19: Callen has been taking swim classes since January. He has done so well and has progressed so much in his swimming. However, we are continuing to go because he doesn't float on his back long enough before having to flip over and swim. He keeps being told to rest longer...his teacher obviously does not know that Callen does not understand what the word rest means!
Working on his float!
April 20: Big day for Callen; he finally graduated from swim class. He was so excited to get his medal! Also, we have been looking for a bike with pedals for him. He has been doing so well on his balance bike that we thought it was time for him to start learning to ride a two wheel bike with pedals. We've looked for a used bike with not much success. Well, on the way home from swim class, we pass a new (and nice) pawn shop. There was a perfect size bike for Callen outside. He is super excited and doing fairly well riding with our support. We need to get him to an open field!
Getting his medal

Cal and his new bike
April 21: Augusta Circle Circus; Cal has been waiting all year for our local school's fundraiser to return. He had such a great time last year and asked for weeks where all the blow ups went. When I told him it was coming back, he was so happy. On Friday, he made me drive by the school anytime we were out so he could see the progress of the jump houses being blown up.
The attendant to this bounce house must have let Cal come through 10x without paying! He's going to be in for a shock when he's not so little anymore and he stops getting all these freebies.

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