Thursday, September 18, 2014

Grandparent Love

Cal loves spending time with his grandparents. Any chance we get, we try and get Cal to see his them all. He definitely sees my dad and Malinda more often because of their proximity (all of 2.5 miles down the road!). Getting together with Doug's parents is a little more difficult, but we do our best to get together at least every 4-6 weeks. 

Cal doesn't do much cuddling with his grandparents (unless he is sleeping or sick). He either plays with them, or around them...if they are in his way and aren't playing with him, then he will just go around them!!! The comment I hear most often is that Cal makes them tired just watching him play! 

****Disclaimer**** Because my dad and Malinda live so close, and we do stuff with my family so often, I have been really bad about taking pictures with them. When we go visit Ken and Jan (Oupa and Nana) or Charley and Linda (Grand Chuck and Inder), I am much more likely to take pictures. I apologize in advance for the lack of Steve and Malinda (Papa and Mimi Malinda) pics.

I love boat rides with Nana and Oupa...let me drive!

The one and only cuddling photo since Cal has been mobile...ear infection and fever brought him to a halt!
Oooooo Oupa! You are funny

Helping Grand Chuck drill in deck boards

Watching the trains with Inder

Snuggle Time!
Cal loves his Papa...and Papa's phone, glasses, pens...

One of my favorite pictures of Callen and Mimi M
Cal's face lights up and a big smile comes across his face when he sees any one of his grandparents, whether in person or through FaceTime. I am so glad for the technology these days because I feel Cal is able to know his grandparents better than I knew mine, and they are better able to keep up with his new 'tricks'. Their love for Callen is wonderful! I look forward to each one visiting in order to spend time with them...and let them see first hand how wild this child can be (and that I am not exaggerating!).

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