Monday, July 28, 2014

Summertime Fun

It is hard to believe this is the last week in July. You know what that means...we will have a one year old in the house at the end of the week! I always hear.. enjoy the time with your kids because it goes by so fast. SOOOOOO true. Luckily, I have been able to stay home with Callen and enjoy the summer. Cal is taking only a morning nap, so we don't get out of the house until about 1:00 or 2:00. It is usually too hot to do anything outside, so we have to wait until at least 4:00 before we can enjoy the outdoors without dying of a heat stroke. We try and make the most of our days and weekends when Doug is home. Here is just a little snapshot at what Cal has been up to!

I try and take him swimming at least once a week. He is becoming quite the little swimmer. I don't have many recent pics or video of him in the water, so here are a few from the pool we have in the backyard.

At the Y with one of the aerobics instructors...loving it!

He has eaten the classic summer foods of corn on the cob and watermelon...too many times to count!

Watermelon popsicle

We have been to the lake, beach, and camping.

Uncle Dave came to visit. He was able to take Cal to the park and on a bike ride!

We have been to the park so many times this summer. Cal enjoys going more and more as he becomes more confident with walking and getting around the uneven terrain. 

Cal has been on lots of new rides this summer. He's been on a trolley ride in downtown Greenville. He was pretty excited about taking in all the scenery and watching EVERYONE we passed!
He took a stationary ride on this sweet motorcycle!

Cal now has 2 new rides of his own...the coupe and station wagon as we like to call them around here!

He has helped Doug build the deck and made several trips to the hardware store for supplies!

Finally...Cal's new adventure this past weekend was running through the sprinkler. He had a good time walking up to the water and putting his hands in it, crawling under the spray, and just walking through it. 

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