Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I wanted to say a quick Happy Father's Day to all the dads, soon to be dads, and all others who are a father figure to someone!

Happy Father's Day Big Steve/Papa! I have always been a daddy's girl. I can remember playing outside with my dad, or hanging inside watching sports on TV. I still have a love of sports today, and I thank my dad for this. I am not a big fan of shopping or going to the movies like my mom was; I take after my dad. We have very similar personalities, and just understand each other. We confide in one another often, and he was the first one I turned to when I did something wrong. I knew he would be upset, but I also knew he would be calm and help me work through the problem. He has supported me in all I have done, and taught me important lessons in life, some big and some small. He has provided for us in many ways over the years, and not held us back from doing anything we wanted to try. He wanted us to live our lives to the fullest. My dad provides encouragement, support, and love at all times to us. I honestly could not ask for a better dad. You have treated Doug like your own son, and been there for us as a father figure and friend in our relationship. Callen adores you, and his face lights up when he sees you. We love you!
There haven't been many sporting events he has missed (after the Spinx Half Marathon)

Happy Father's Day to Charley/Grand Chuck! You always bring a smile to my face when I think about your acronyms for EVERYTHING! I think after 7 years of knowing you, I am finally starting to catch on to what things stand for. You are a wealth of knowledge for music, and I have enjoyed going to music venues and concerts with you that I would not know about or go to on my own. I know I give you a hard time about most everything, but it is all for fun! I definitely enjoy the times we are able to all get together as a family. I love that you have passed down to Doug a love for the outdoors. All of your hiking and camping trips over the years have stayed with Doug, and I hope to pass on that love to Callen. 'Muddypaws' loves spending time with you, and looks forward to seeing you in a few weeks. We love you!


Happy Father's Day Ken/Oupa! Over the years, you have taken me in and allowed me to be 'one of the boys' with you and Doug. I jumped in and started shrimpin' with you guys...and you allow me to continue going even after breaking out my cheerleading skills! I know Doug appreciates all the knowledge of working on projects. I thank you for always being willing to help with whatever project is going on. And I know now you are more than willing to come to Greenville now to help with projects in order to see Callen. I am not sure who has more fun with whom...Little Scallum loves playing with you. We love you!

Proud Oupa!

Happy Father's Day to all! You have all been an important part of my life, and continue to play a vital role in our family. I hope you have a wonderful day!

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