A Dad and His Boy
I have been thinking about this post for a long time in my head. Several times I wanted to go ahead and start it so I could collect all my thoughts and have a nice long tribute to Doug by the time Father's Day came...that didn't happen! In my head is where these thoughts have remained. I hope to express in words just a small amount of what I have observed with Doug over these last 10 months.
From the moment we found out we were pregnant, Doug has been the happiest guy! He immediately took to calling our little one 'Popcorn Shrimp' which quickly was dropped to just 'Popcorn.' Everything we did for those 9 months leading up to Cal's birth was for 'Popcorn.' We were so excited to finally know if our Popcorn was a boy or a girl, and get to meet that sweet face (although we didn't think our baby was going to be so cute based on the ultrasound at 36 weeks!). It was love at first sight. He was so excited to watch Callen being pulled out of the water. They laid Cal on my chest for a few minutes which allowed both of us to be with Callen, and have a moment to bond as a family. Then Doug had his own moment with Callen; they handed Cal over to Doug so I could get out of the pool. Doug held Callen on his bare chest for a few minutes while the medical team tended to me. He still talks about those few minutes, and how he was able to snuggle with Callen and just enjoy him one on one for a short time before he was given back to me.
One on One bonding time |
Proud daddy |
I think this is my favorite picture of Doug with Cal...changing his first diaper! |
From the time we were in the hospital after Cal's birth, Doug has been so caring and nurturing to him. Between diaper changes, bath time, and just playing with Cal, Doug WANTS to be there to do it all. I have a tendency to want to do everything because I feel like I am inconveniencing others if I ask for help. I have had to take a step back and not do this as much in order to give Doug that time with Callen. I have walked into Cal's room many times and seen them both lying on the floor playing, Doug reading Callen a book, or the two of them just sitting on the chaise lounge in peace (not so much anymore with Callen so mobile!). Doug does whatever he can to teach Cal. He recites numbers, letters, sounds, animal noises; pretty much any topic you can think of, Doug has covered it. (Although, he says he has left the anatomy lessons to me). I would hear these lessons through the monitor at all hours of the night. Doug was so kind to me; after I nursed Cal and changed his diaper, Doug would reswaddle Callen and get him back to sleep (Doug is the swaddle master and baby whisperer, by the way). He pretty much did this every time Cal woke in the night. There were many nights I sent Doug in to comfort Callen if I knew he didn't need to eat, but would want to nurse if I walked in. No matter how often or at what time of the night, Doug went in without a fuss. He loved and still loves his one on one time with Callen.
This is how you drink from a sippy cup! |
Teaching Cal to pick the perfect Christmas Tree |
Getting Callen started early with scalping tickets |
Most importantly...teaching Callen to love Bucky's BBQ!!! |
The joy on Doug's face when he walks in the house after work and sees Callen is priceless. The two of them have this special bond, and it is so sweet to see both their faces light up after a day apart. I know there are times Doug gets jealous or his feelings hurt when Cal chooses me over him (or says ma-mom first and has only said da-dad once!), but I have to remind him that I am with him all day, and I am the one he comes to for comfort. I have to thank Doug for this opportunity to be able to stay home with Cal. Doug knew my wants and desires in life, and has done what he can to allow me to stay home with our little guy. Even at the end of a long day at work, Doug comes home and is ready to jump in to help with Cal. I fully appreciate his hard work at the office, and his ability to come home and be a hands on dad.
It's playtime all the time when daddy is home! |
Helping with the laundry...little larger load than normal! |
His excitement about Callen is present in every conversation. It is always 'he is awesome,' 'he is so much fun,' and my favorite lately is...'he is such a mess!' I have been around kids most all of my life, so I have seen the various ages and progression to those ages. This is Doug's first time really seeing the changes from an infant to a 10 month old. It is so fun to watch as well as listen to his comments. He is most thankful that it is a progression and not BAM! we're up and walking!
Doug wants to be adventurous with Callen. We have said from the beginning...we do not want to change what we do, just how we do it. I think we have done a pretty good job of that. We still go hiking, plan to go camping soon, and ride our bikes and get downtown as much as possible.
Climbing trees and apple pickin' |
Poppin' the shrimp heads on the dock |
Going for a bike ride |
Trip to Keeneland |
Doug loves doing these activities with Callen. He also wants him to help around the house and yard as much as possible. We are trying to make Cal an apprentice at the age of 1 with yard work, projects, and anything else Doug needs help with. The kid has already helped on more projects than I have ever thought of helping with.
Cutting some stray limbs in the backyard |
Cal is becoming a master deck builder!
Doug has taught me so much about love, patience, and just enjoying life over these last 10 months. It is because of Doug that I stop whatever it is I am doing (cleaning, cooking, etc), and take time to play with Callen. If I am becoming frustrated with Callen's no nap behavior, I think about how well Doug does with him in the same situation and know I can more rationally deal with Cal! Doug is an amazing father and husband. I could not have picked better for my life partner! Callen is one lucky boy to have Duggie Fresh as his daddy....I know he will learn lots and have so much fun along the way.
Happy 1st Father's Day, Doug!
We Love you!!