Happy Mother's Day!!!
A special Mother's Day wish to all!
Taken the day Callen came home from the hospital |
Taken about a month ago in Lexington, KY...slightly larger child sitting in my lap!! |
After my mom passed away in 2008, I didn't really want anything to do with Mother's Day. It was a day in which I had to hear everyone talking about what they were getting their moms, what they were going to do for them, and how they were going to spend the day with them. I wasn't a mother, and felt jealous that I didn't have that special person in my life anymore to share the day with. As Doug and I were trying to become pregnant, Mother's Day became even more of a sad day for me. Not only did I not have my mother, I didn't know if I would become a mother of my own. I have much better feelings today!
This year (and even last year to an extent), Mother's Day has become a little more relevant in my life. I absolutely love being a mother. It is the best job I have ever had and probably will ever have (although I hear being a grandparent is pretty awesome!). My worst day with Callen beats the best day at any job I have ever had. The smiles, love, and laughter I get every day are soooo awesome. That boy just puts a smile on my face...even when he is being a little stinker. I am so fortunate to be able to stay home and care for Cal on a daily basis. There are some trying times, no doubt, but at the end of the day all I want to do is snuggle with Cal and rub his little face as he falls asleep in my arms. For Mother's Day, I don't want Doug and Callen to go out and buy me anything special or do something out of the ordinary to make me feel good; they do these things everyday. Doug's ability to love Callen and be a great dad is gift enough for me. Callen's love of life and adorable smile make my day everyday. I just want to have family time with the two of them, and be able to spend the day doing something we all three enjoy.
To all the wonderful mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!! To those who wanted to be mothers but never could because of whatever reason, Happy Mother's Day!! To those who have lost mothers and can't celebrate with them, cherish the times you did have with your mother (and Happy Mother's Day to those that have passed!)!
I have been so blessed to have had so many special ladies in my life
that have helped guide me and love me along the way. Several of these
ladies stepped up in ways I could not have imagined after my mom's
passing. So, to Kathy, Ann, and Melissa, Happy Mother's Day to you. I
appreciate all you have done in my life, my family's life, and now with
Callen. A girl could not ask for better best friends of her mom! I love
you all!!
Happy Mother's Day to Grandmom! You are a wonderful mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. You have so much spunk and energy...Doug and I wish we had half of your energy! We enjoy visiting with you and watching you love these great grandbabies. We love you!
Happy Mother's Day to Linda/Ender! I know you mean a lot to Doug, and I have enjoyed spending time with you these last 7 years. I enjoy our talks and ability for you to understand losing a mom to cancer at a young age. You love Callen so much and get so excited to see him in person and through FaceTime. Your positive outlook and sense of adventure are wonderful! We love you!!
Happy Mother's Day to Malinda/Mimi M! I'm not sure you knew what you were getting yourself into when you joined our family almost 4 years ago!! Your kindness and willingness to love each of us is amazing. You have stepped right in and loved these grandbabies like your own. I know Callen gets a smile on his face every time he sees you. You bring joy to all those around you and we thank you for all that you do. I know I appreciate you watching him while I work out, and Callen loves that one on one time with you. We love you!!!
I didn't have a pic of Doug and me with you...so you get 2 with Callen.
I didn't think you would mind!!
Happy Mother's Day to Jan/Nana! You are an awesome mother in law to me! Thank You for always remembering my mom and how special she was. Thank you for loving me like your own daughter and now loving Callen with all your heart. I couldn't have picked a better mother in law! And Callen is so lucky to have you as his Nana. He loves his FaceTime sessions, but even more enjoys when you are here with him. He is one spoiled little guy with you around! We love you!

And Happy Mother's Day to the most special mom I could ever ask for...Momma Lou! You were always my biggest fan and biggest supporter. You made me believe in myself when I thought no one else cared about me and I lost my own confidence. You stood by me through everything...good times, bad times, and just the everyday. You taught me how to be a fighter and to love unconditionally. I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. You taught me values and life lessons that I will pass on to Callen. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wish you were here. Callen would love you so much. I think we would have non stop fights...only because you would want to be here EVERYDAY and I would have to tell you no, we need our space!! Doug and I show pictures of you to Callen and tell any story we can. We want him to 'know' you as much as possible and love the memories of you. Like I always told you... I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
You were so much fun. I don't think I realized how crazy you were until I started looking back at pictures and hearing stories!!