Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

We had a wonderful time the last 2 weeks. I have been hanging out with my 2 favorite boys and soaking up all the fun times. Doug took almost 2 weeks off of work, and it has been so nice having him at home. Enjoying our day to day routine with him is great, as well as having an extra set of hands to play with Callen is pretty nice too!

The Friday before Christmas, we left for Charleston, and spent until Christmas Day with Doug's mom's side of the family. We had lots of down time there, swinging on the veranda, reading magazines on the couch, and just enjoying the beautiful weather. We took Callen on his first beach outing as well as to a local park for more sliding. 

We are outside, so he must be sound asleep!

Bundled in daddy's coat

My favorite thing we did with Callen was taking him on his first boat ride. I had suggested we just ride up the creek at a slow pace and allow Cal to take in the fresh air and see the scenery. Too bad he slept for most of that! Oupa needed to drain the water out of the back of the boat, so he took us back to the dock so they could go fast. Cal had woken up by this time and was quite content riding in daddy's lap, so we decided to take him for a 'fast ride!' Cal just sat there and looked around at everything. He loved it! He even drove the boat back to the dock for Oupa! You may ask if they make life jackets for babies that small. If they do, we don't have one (our dear friends gave us one to use but it is still a bit big for Cal, so it is hanging in his closet for now.). Uncle Dave got clever and tied a line of rope to a buoy and then tied the rope around Cal. It wouldn't keep him afloat if he fell in, but it would let us know where he was in the water!! (Please no one call DSS on us. I promise we are fit parents!!!). 

Safe and secure!!

Ahhhh! The wind is in my face!

This rope is extra yummy!

Driving the boat is serious business

Uncle Dave also took Callen out into the marsh. They walked out along the tree roots/limbs to find a great sitting spot. Once again Cal seemed pretty content; he was outside and enjoying the warm sunshine!

Doug was sick almost the entire time in Charleston with a version of the flu. No fun for him. He finally got the flu knocked out, but that turned into a head cold. Poor Callen caught something of what Doug had, and developed his first fever, cough, and runny nose. He was still as happy as he could be, although a little more tired than normal and sleeping longer periods of time. You would never know the boy didn't feel well. Both of them were troopers!

Catching some extra zzzzz's

Christmas Day was just as much fun. We spent the morning in Charleston and then left and headed back to Greenville to spend the afternoon and evening with my family. Although Callen didn't quite understand what was going on, he did enjoy helping unwrap gifts. Most of the paper and presents ended up in his mouth. Sorry if your gift has a corner missing or is extra soggy!!

Uncle Dave got me an ABC book

How did I end up in this box?!

A book about my favorite toy. WOW!!

Snuggling with my Kimber

Uncle are scary!
Love my Papa

Big smiles for Mimi Malinda
Photo Bomb by Uncle Michael!
Aunt B wearing the sweatshirt my mom made years ago. Hand glued every sequins on the sweatshirt.                   She loved that shirt!
My Clemson helmet bank!
Peek A Boo Elmo! He's cute, but I am not so sure about him yet.

After all the Christmas family celebrations, we finally made it home Christmas night (after Cal's bedtime). Lucky for us, Santa had written a note telling us that he had misplaced Callen's gifts on his sleigh and would return Christmas night to deliver them. So, the next morning, Cal was able to have his Christmas from Santa!! Santa knew Callen didn't need much...he knew he would be starting solid foods in February, so bowls, bibs, and spoons were brought along with a sippy cup. He also figured Callen would like a swing since he loves to be outside so much.

Wow, more stuff for me to put in my mouth!

Come on! Let's go swing.

Where's the water? I need something in this cup.

This is so much fun!

Sorry for such a long post with so many pictures. But, a lot went on in the last 2 weeks since I last posted. We had a wonderful first Christmas with Callen and look forward to the years to come when he is more aware of what is going on and into EVERYTHING!!

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