Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's a Boy!

Callen Branson Morris was born on August 1, 2013, at 12:52pm. He weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 21 inches long. What an incredible experience it was bringing our little man into the world. After almost 15 hours of labor and no drugs (ahhhhh!), our little 'Popcorn Shrimp' arrived, and our lives could not be any better! After he was born and pulled from the water (yes, I had a water birth), he was wrapped in a towel and placed on my chest. One of the nurses in the room finally asked, 'is it a boy or girl?' so I was the one who looked and first knew it was a boy! 
After about 2 hours, Doug went to the waiting room and brought back all the family. They waited to come into the delivery room before finding out if we had had a boy or a girl. The sheer joy and excitement on their faces when they saw Callen for the first time was priceless. Most people had guessed we were going to have a boy, so there were a lot of 'I knew its' and "I was right!' going around the room. 
For those of you who are wondering, I delivered Callen at the local hospital under the care of a certified nurse midwife. It was an amazing experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the option. The midwife never left the room, and was by my side throughout the labor and delivery process. In addition to Doug, she was a wonderful source of encouragement and kept me going the entire time. I opted at 8cm to move into the tub to help ease contractions. I did not think I would stay in there for the delivery, but it just felt natural. Callen is going to be like his mommy and daddy...a swimmer! 

Here are a few pictures from the day he was born...
Such a sweet baby!

Getting a look for the first time. Brittany's expression makes me smile every time.

Getting a closer look

Nana is so excited to finally hold her grandbaby

Proud Papa

Opa and Callen

Barbara, our amazing midwife

Family of three!
Doug and the first diaper change. His facial expression is priceless!!!


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