Easter Egg Hunts and Teething
We are loving the spring weather...the warm temps but not the crazy rain and thunderstorms that have hit the area this past week. We were lucky at our house, and barely saw more than rain.
April 1: Spring Fling at Michelin: Easter Egg Hunt, bounce houses, and lots of fun for Callen!
The best family photo we could get! |
April 2: Rocking on the front porch
April 3: These teeth! Another one is coming in somewhere in that mouth. Lots of drooling, fussing, and low grade fever. Who knows where the next one will be...at the rate he's going, it could be his wisdom teeth. He has no pattern for cutting teeth!
Count Grahamula!
April 5: Callen has been begging
for 'tall socks like Caroline.' Caroline is 5, and lives 2 doors down from us. She goes to private school and wears a uniform with knee high socks...for a girl! I think he has seen older boys wearing these tall socks but Caroline was the first person he knew that he could tell me had some. So, off to Kohl's we went looking for tall socks. Mr. Opinionated would not settle for just any tall sock. He didn't want the grey and red ones I found on clearance (that actually fit his foot) or the plain black ones with the white Nike swoosh. Nooooo, he had to pick the black and red and white ones that go with NOTHING he wears other than his fire truck shirts. All his athletic gear is fluorescent orange or yellow. So, we bought the red ones and have to wear them all the time now. As I sit here on Sunday evening typing this, he wore a nice light green and white checkered shirt with khakis to church this morning....with the red socks with black lettering. He wouldn't wear the socks under his pants. No, they had to be pulled up because 'my socks are keeping my pants up!' Needless to say, he was quite the hit this morning! Too bad I forgot to snap a pic of that one.
So proud of his socks! |
Hope everyone had a great week. Callen has spring break this week, so we are planning lots of day trips to nearby areas as well as decorating Easter Eggs and playing around here. Should be a fun week!