Friday, March 24, 2017

Staying Busy!

These boys are constant! Callen doesn't nap anymore, so it is hard to find him wanting to slow down these days. He's always wanting to jump, climb, run on anything in his room and around the house. His loft bed has become the newest jungle gym and climbing structure in the house. Even Graham today was trying to reach and pull up on it today...just a little too tall for him right now.

March 18: A souvenir from mom and dad's day out on St. Patrick's Day!

March 19: Callen is a mess...that is all I am going to say!

March 20: Brothers wearing matching shirts and navigating mom to the car outside of Publix

March 21: Graham is on the move on all 4s. He has been commando crawling for 2 months now, but all of a sudden decided he was ready to crawl on all 4s.

March 22: Graham's newest fascination is pulling up on the toilet paper holder and then standing there and unravelling it. I've gotten smart and take the paper off the holder, but sometimes he's too quick and gets some off before I can get to it.

What, mom? I didn't do anything. It was all Callen

March 23: Callen is obsessed with washing dishes the last few days. Too bad he wants to wash the ones that are already clean. And too bad he uses half a bottle of dish soap in the process. He asked me how so many bubbles got in there...and how were they all going to go away. Let's think, buddy! We left soon after this pic was taken for about 2 hours. When we got home, there were still bubbles in the sink!

March 24: Fluorescent Callen! He either wears a fire truck shirt or the brightest color clothing you can find. At least I don't lose the bright streak in a crowd as he goes zipping by!

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