Oh My!!!
I want to apologize for my lack of blogging the last month and a half! When we went hiking over New Year's, I dropped our camera and broke the screen. It was still usable, but we waited until a few trips and outings were over before sending it to be repaired. We got it back (still broken) in time for our Tennessee trip with instructions to return it with payment for repair. So, back it went to be fixed once we returned home. (We are still waiting for it to be returned to us almost a month later!!! I'm not as good about taking pictures with our old point and shoot, and it's hard to capture a full event with the iPhone. Therefore, our picture taking has been significantly less these last few months!) Also, after returning from Tennessee, we ran into some serious computer troubles and are just now getting everything back and running properly. Until I logged into my blog account, I didn't realize my last post was April 18th! Call me a slacker!!
I actually sat down and wrote a full blog on our Tennessee trip only to realize that half the pictures from the trip are still on the disc...and can't be downloaded until I get the camera back! So, a few random pics from the last few weeks taken on the phone will have to do for a blog! Sorry!!!
We are finally potty trained! I love his independence...sometimes! |
Helping mommy bread chicken. This kid loves to help me cook |
Helping dad at Home Depot aka the Orange Project Store! |
Our new thing...obsessed with anything firefighter. He would wear this hat and these boots just about everywhere if we let him |
Living the dream at Costco! Snacks, sunglasses, and rain boots. He couldn't ask for more! |
Last day of school was last week...first day pic on left and last day on right. Someone is a little more excited about school these days!
As soon as I get the camera back, I will download the remaining pics for our TN trip and get that blog up! I will try and do better about blogging over the next few weeks...I can't guarantee anything come end of June/beginning of July!