Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Captain Callen Turns 2!

Where has the time gone? How is Cal already 2 years old? 

Here are some pictures from Callen's big day!

We took him to Jones Gap in the morning to 'hike' a little and then play in the water. Cal mainly enjoyed throwing the rocks and then climbing on the big rocks and pretending he was 'tall.'

After lunch and a nap, it was time to party! To help celebrate his special day, we had family over for a small party. We did a nautical theme with a low country boil for dinner. It was great having everyone together (except for a few that couldn't be here), and even more fun to see how much fun Cal had. He definitely enjoyed himself more than last year. He had fun opening gifts...as well as playing with them. He thought the cupcakes were great, and ate every last bite compared to last year when he wouldn't even touch the icing!

Future Bartender?

By the end of the night, Callen had a tip jar with several dollars in it!

Just what every 2 year old needs...a chainsaw

Building a fort (mommy and daddy's present to Cal...fort making supplies!)

This might be worth taking a bit of...

Oh yea it is

Why don't mommy and daddy let me eat this more often?

That's why!
Thanks so much to all the family for coming and celebrating with us. Cal had a great day and enjoyed spending time with each of you. Thanks for your generosity...Cal is enjoying every single one of his gifts!! 
Doug and I are excited to see what adventures the next year holds for Callen. We have so much fun with this little guy and can only imagine the fun...and trouble... he will get into over the next 12 months!!!

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