Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Visit To The Children's Museum

One of the things we did over Christmas while Doug was off work was to go to The Children's Museum of the Upstate. I put off going to the museum for a while because I didn't think there would  be much there for Callen to do. I figured all the activities would be too advanced for him, and Doug and I would be the ones playing the entire time. Several friends have taken their little ones and said there are lots of toddler based activities and exhibits. 

We were very impressed with the museum. Even though Cal is too little for most of the play areas, we took the time to explore all of them. The areas designed specifically for toddlers were a big hit for Callen. 

He was serious about being a construction worker

Playing with happy boy!

enjoyed driving the truck through the bank window

and LOVED playing in the water fountains

He soaked himself...and then I saw the aprons!

He would have climbed in if we let him

This area was by far his favorite!

We thought he would really be into pushing the grocery cart at the 'BiLo grocery store' since he went with me to Whole Foods and had a blast, but he was not as excited as we had anticipated. I guess he was distracted with everything else going on. 

His GrandMomma Lou would be proud of his teeth brushing skills!

Making music

There are some neat climbing platforms in the middle of the museum that reach as tall as the 2nd floor. They're so much better than a fast food playground as you can see your child the entire way to the top (and they feel TONS cleaner!). The signs say 4 and up can play in this area. Of course Cal headed straight for it. He loved climbing up and over several of the platforms before coming back down...and then making his way back up. I enjoyed climbing and crawling with him. Next time we go, I won't be as shy about taking Cal in there! To the top we go!

Up and up we go

As I said earlier, Doug and I were excited to be able to play all day alongside Callen. We did our fair share of 'learning and exploring' too...

Playing in the racecar

Cal and Doug were NOT in the lead!

Racing the cars down the track

The first...but not last...time I give Cal money

Playing the xylophone

Pinball machine of music
We had a great day and look forward to returning in the near future. I am sure Callen and I will make a visit there during some really cold and/or rainy days this winter. 

**This post was made possible by Aunt Kimber who supplied us with tickets to the museum. A huge thanks!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Once our boys were older we bought a membership, and now we go once every one or two weeks. The boys love the art projects downstairs in the afternoons, and we often meet friends for play when it is too hot/cold/rainy outside. Maybe you'll join us sometime?
