Friday, December 6, 2013

4 Months Old...Already?!?!

Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were anxiously awaiting our surprise arrival, wondering when and where I would go into labor, and how we were going to tell our family whether we had a girl or boy. And now 4 months later, Callen is the bright spot to our day; the most huggable, happy little boy with the gummy grin! We can't imagine a day without him in our lives. He is just awesome!!!

Callen went for his 4 month check up today. He weighed in at 14.5 lbs and 25.5". He is slowing down on his growth based on the growth curves, but his pediatrician feels he is doing great. Based on his daddy's size as a kid, he is going to come to a screeching halt with his growth before long! He had 5 vaccinations today, but they were combined into only 2 shots and an oral. There were quite a few tears after the 1st injection, but he was fine after about a minute of mommy hugs! We have decided to hold off introducing solid food until 6 months of age. So, we will discuss this topic in greater detail at his next appointment. 

At 4 months, Callen is able to roll from his tummy to his back. Sometimes I think his head does most of the work, but he has done it at least 10 times, so I know it is not a fluke. 

He has even been propped up on his elbows and reached out for an object with one hand while continuing to prop with the other arm. 

I have been working with Callen on rolling from back to tummy, but he can't quite master this skill on his own yet. Won't be long though. Callen has great head control, and has fun sitting in his Bumbo chair and playing with his toys. (I think Cal has more fun dropping them on the counter and watching mommy and daddy put them back in his lap...over and over and over!). He has started to play with some new toys besides Sophie, but he always prefers to chew on Sophie over any other toy! 

All his toys on the tray
Slowly starting to throw them on the counter...trying to be sly!

Still loves his Sophie

He likes this owl...lots of colors and textures

Callen is able to reach with one or both hands for a toy and then bring it to his mouth in order to chew on it. Everyone asks if he is teething because he loves to suck on his fist, fingers, or toy all the time. So far there are no teeth. I think Callen is going to be an adventure seeker. I will flip him over my knees and he comes up grinning from ear to ear. We also started placing him on a soft surface and then pushing down beside him to 'pop' him like popcorn. He laughs every time we do this to him. We also let him slide down a slide all by himself...Doug caught him at the bottom, of course! I came up just laughing and smiling.

I think Callen's favorite thing to do is play with his daddy...and I think Doug's favorite thing to do is play with Callen. The two of them together is just so cute and sweet. The grins on both faces are priceless.

Cal was shocked to see Doug in his crib when he woke from a nap!

So sweet!!

Callen is on a pretty good schedule now. This makes our lives so much easier by knowing when he is going to be hungry/sleepy/fussy based on what time it is. He is eating every 3 hours. He plays for about 1.5-2 hours before getting sleepy and then snoozes for 30-60 min. He isn't the best napper during the day, especially when placed in the crib. His pediatrician said he should have better naps by 6 months (I am hoping!!). What sleeping Cal doesn't do during the day, he makes up for at night. He is going down around 7:30pm and not getting up until almost 8:00am with one feeding during the night. Sometimes he will wake another time in the night, but Doug goes into Cal's room, comforts him, and gets him back to sleep. (I shouldn't put this in writing. I am probably jinxing myself with how well he does at night). We need to try and stop swaddling him soon. I have a feeling there are going to be a few sleepless nights in our house once we start that; Cal loves to be swaddled.

Cal is doing great. He is such a happy guy and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful little guy in our lives. I know I have said it before and will say it again...he brings so much joy to so many people.

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