Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1st Trip to Charleston 

Doug has gone shrimpin' (not shrimping...I have been corrected many times that we go fishin', huntin', shrimpin', etc. There is no 'g' on the end of any of these words!) for close to 20 years with his stepdad, Ken. I have been going out with them for 7 years now. I act more like a cheerleader or shrimp/fish catcher if something falls out into the boat. The boys allow me to throw, but if we had to rely on my catch for dinner, we would all go hungry! 

Opening weekend of bait season was this past weekend, so we packed up and headed to Charleston. (Packing this time was a little different...Doug and I each had a bag, while Callen had 3 plus his stroller, bouncy seat, and play mat. No more jumping in the car and go for us!) Ken, Doug, and myself headed out Friday evening to set up poles and shrimp while Callen stayed behind with his Nana. The conditions weren't all that great for shrimpin', so we headed home fairly early with a fourth to a third cooler full of shrimp. Not what we are used to, but we enjoy getting out there and being on the water most of all. And I am pretty sure Nana enjoyed her one-on-one time with Cal! She had no complaints. 

For those of you that do not know about shrimpin', it is more involved than going out in a boat and throwing a net. There is more to it...both before and after you go out. Doug decided Callen needed to help with the before (making bait balls to attract the shrimp) and the after (popping the heads off the shrimp). Since Callen is too small to wear a life jacket...and he can't stand or walk yet...we excused him from coming out to help catch the shrimp. 
Making bait balls with Doug and Oupa

Popping shrimp heads

Doug was very excited to take Callen shrimpin' this year. The entire time I was pregnant, Callen was referred to as Popcorn Shrimp or just Popcorn. We thought the nickname of Popcorn would stick, but Doug and I hardly call Cal by that name. As he has grown, we have started calling him Jumbo Shrimp!

As always, we had a wonderful trip to Charleston. The weather was perfect, and so much fun to introduce Callen to some of the fun things we like to do when visiting Ken and Jan. 

Hanging out on the veranda and dock in the evening

One of my favorite pics from the weekend. We enjoyed champagne while little man enjoyed his bottle! He fit right in!
The boy can drink some milk...and mom, dad, Nana, and Oupa can drink some champagne!

Enjoying time on the dock. Cal loves to be outside.

Practicing throwing a shrimp net

The net is still a little too big for him, but he will grow into it!

The weekend was too short. Cal enjoyed visiting with Nana and Oupa, and I am pretty positive absolutely certain they enjoyed his visit too!!

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