Monday, February 22, 2016

Happenings of Late

We been chillin' yo!

Just call me a slacker for not getting on here more and updating what is going on! We really haven't had any big and fun adventures lately...just enjoying the everyday with our growing boy. We haven't made too many plans on the weekend, allowing us to rest and hang out as a family before things start to get busy with the spring and summer months. 

I'll keep this post to mainly pictures so you can see some of the fun we have been having. 

Cal has been helping Doug with a lot of little house projects lately. He is such a big help and really steps in to hand Doug tools as well as take a turn or two to work on the project. 

Learning how to use the multimeter with dad! He's excited to see the numbers moving.

Getting everything ready to install the new light

My turn, dad!

The test...

Look...the light is on. It works!

Time to fix the door knob in my room


Cal has enjoyed the book How I Became a Pirate lately. While at Kindermusik one Thursday morning, Cal saw a poster for the play and got really excited about seeing the main character Jeremy Jacob. we purchased tickets for that Sunday afternoon (not thinking it was Super Bowl Sunday!). Cal enjoyed the show and sat there for almost the entire 50 minutes without moving! He got a little squirmy towards the end, but overall did very well. He wanted to stay and see the actors come out after the play to sign autographs (he was a little upset when the play ended), but mom and dad said no...we needed to get home to watch the Super Bowl!

Waiting for the show to start

Not wanting to act like a pirate!

We enjoyed a nice Valentine's dinner as a family. We cooked up yummy fish and chips and made a fun dinner setting for us all to enjoy. Cal did a great job making a Valentine's Day card for Doug. He cut all the pieces out on his own and glued them to the card. It was a little hard for this OCD momma not to have everything in a perfect spot on the card, but it was neat knowing Cal made the inside of the card all on his own!

We made it to the library to check out construction books...but we got a little sidetracked playing make believe with the castle.

Kindermusik is our weekly activity that has been so good for Cal. He loves the music and freedom he gets there, but overall enjoys the structure that Mrs. Rosalind provides him. He is usually running around and laughing like a wild man each time we go. Doug was able to go this time for the first time to see his boy in action!
Running around and around

Reaching for bubbles

Doing a dance of some sort!
Cal has been asking to build lots of forts recently. After taking the last one down, Doug made a grid of some sort that Callen likes to jump from one opening to the next. He has recently started playing a peek a boo type game in it. Who knows. His imagination is something else these days...but he has fun in all that he does!
Dressing up mom and making her play in his fort!

Reading books with dad in a fort
The boy is obsessed with hats. He found his buddy Wyatt's football helmet and has been wearing it nonstop. He calls it his 'baseball hat' and wants to wear it everywhere...including into the stores. I think he is scared of my driving because he wants to wear it in the car too. 

I'm ready for mom's crazy driving!

Hanging out in Trader Joe's with the helmet on.
Finally...we went swimming this past weekend. With the cooler temps, I have been trying to take Cal to the pool more often since we can't play outdoors as much. He has continued to do really well with his skills. He really impressed Doug and me this past weekend when he laid completely horizontal and kicked and moved his arms (and head) to get to where he was going. In the past, he has mostly kicked and floated to where he wanted to go.

That about sums up our adventures from the last few weeks. Cal still goes to school two days a week and has a great time. When I picked him up today, he started crying that he had to leave. I guess that's better than crying when I leave him! At least I know he is having a good time and they are taking care of him. It is amazing how much Cal is learning and changing daily. He has such a fun imagination and constantly wants to pretend play by himself or with us. He is content to sit on the couch in his room and read books, but will chase you around the house in a heartbeat if you or him say 'chase me!'  His memory and ability to recall is unbelievable...and kind of the same time. We have to watch everything we say and do or else it will come back to bite us! He is one fun little dude and we are loving all the fun times we are having with him these days.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Snow Day

Now that Greenville has 60 degree temperatures and rainy weather, I figure I will write a post on the snow that fell almost two weeks ago!

I remember as a kid spending hours outside in the neighborhood after a big snow. We would go sledding pretty much all day with the occasional return home for lunch and something warm to drink. However, all those memories were of me as a 9+ year old...not a 2 year old! 

Last year Callen lasted outside in the snow for about 15 minutes before he was frozen and we were returning inside with a thawing and screaming child. I hoped this year would be different with him, and we could spend a good amount of time outside playing in the snow. 

Cal thought the snow was really pretty and kept looking out the window at it. I got him pretty pumped up about getting dressed and going outside to play in it. So, we all bundled up, and headed toward the school playground to try and go sledding. By the time we got outside on Saturday, the roads were easily navigable by foot and we had no problems walking the few

tenths of a mile to the school while pulling Cal on the sled. There were several other families and a fair number of kids already at the school playing and sledding.

We got Cal on the sled and sent him down the hill...big smiles the entire time! However, once he was done with his run, he nothing to do with sledding anymore. He only wanted to run down the hill and watch the big kids have a snowball fight! So, we took the opportunity and went sledding ourselves before heading home. 

I think I'll just run down this time

Trying to keep warm with the biggest mittens EVER!!

Mom taking a turn sleeding

Here goes daddy!

Cal was pulled home on the sled, but this time Doug would run ahead and then send him down the hill towards me. Lots of laughs and giggles from Cal. He loved being pulled as fast as possible and then let go to slide on his own. If only we had figured this out sooner! 

That smile!!

Once home, we had a small snowball fight in the yard before Cal started complaining that he was cold. We have not had good luck finding waterproof gloves that fit Cal well and allow him to use his hands. He ends up wearing fleece or wool gloves/mittens, but the snow soaks through them all and he is left with cold, wet hands. I looked down and realized we had made it a full hour outside...a record for us!! 

Watch out!

Taking mommy down!

Maybe next few (if we have any snow), we will last 2 hours?!