Staying Busy
Callen is one busy little guy! I can't turn my head for more than 30 seconds, before he has pulled out the contents of an entire kitchen drawer onto the floor, emptied a basket from under the bathroom sink, or opened the lid to the toilet seat and started playing in the water (his new favorite trick that I am not so in favor of)!! There is only so much I can keep him entertained with before he is onto something else. Notice none of the things he enjoys the most are playing with his toys! With the weather being as wonderful as it has been lately, we spend a large portion of our day outside or going to an activity for Callen.
The zoo has a story time on Wednesday afternoons that we have gone to several times. Cal doesn't do well sitting and listening to the story, but he enjoys seeing the animal the 'teacher' brings along for the kids to see and pet (if able). We have petted a duck as well as learned about and observed a tarantula. After the story time is over, we usually walk around the zoo for a while and then go play at Cleveland Park. Cal has quickly become confident in his skills on the equipment. I still follow him around (I am afraid of the large openings with a 3-4ft drop to the ground), but I don't have to jump in to rescue him as much! He loves the wide open space to run and climb. He also enjoys watching all the other kids and tries to imitate them. We also walk to Rockwood Park near our house and play there. This is nice for me as well because I have been able to meet some of the neighborhood moms and their kids. It's always nice to see familiar faces when I am walking the neighborhood.
We haven't been able to make it to story time at the downtown library as often because of Cal's nap schedule. They had a special program last Monday about fire safety. Several local firemen came and rode in their firetruck. After the story time, the kids were all invited to go outside and tour the firetruck. Cal was pretty captivated with the firemen (from a distance), but didn't want to climb into the firetruck on his own.
We tried out Acrosmith gymnastics today for the first time. They have Toddler Time several times a week. Cal loved it! He loved the freedom to run around, but it was nice for the structure and ability for him to be around other kids. He took many tumbles on the soft surfaces, but you could see the excitement and happiness in his face the entire time. We will definitely be going back. Let the boy run around for an entire hour and then pass out in the car...heck yeah!
We were able to go and visit my sister, Kim, and her class this past Monday. The kids love seeing Cal, and he loves being the center of attention. He runs the hallways, draws on the board, and tries to act like all the big kids. We found the best way to keep up with Callen in a crowded room...tie a balloon to his pants! (Can you find Callen...hint...follow the red balloon!)
We are trying to stay extra busy these days. I am wanting to get back to taking Cal swimming on a regular basis, as well as going to try a story time at 10:00. As the colder weather draws near, I am trying to find things we can do indoors and out of the house. Cal enjoys being around other kids and adults, and seems to get very cranky and bored when in the house all day. If you have any other ideas for us to do, let me know. Until it gets too cold to play outdoors, we are outside as much as possible (as in after eating lunch until Doug gets home from work!).