Play Date
Callen went on his first play date today with his buddy Wyatt! Wyatt's mom, Lisa, and I worked together at Shriners. We have become really good friends with her and her hubby, Larry over the years. We have done a lot with renovations at the same time, travel adventures, cookouts, hanging out downtown...and have enjoyed their company very much. I knew whenever Doug and I became pregnant that things would change with their friendship if we had a kid and they didn't. You never want things to change, but inevitably they do due to schedules, timing, etc. Needless to say, we were super excited to find out Lisa was pregnant, and due just 9 weeks after me. We knew our little ones would be best of buds growing up since we like to do so much with them. Like us, they did not find out the sex of the baby. We knew our kids would be friends but I quietly wondered how close they would be if they were opposite sexes. Lucky for us, we both had boys...making it almost a definite that the boys will be buddies for a long time to come!!!
An early get together! They have changed so much |
We have gotten together as families and hung out since both boys were born. However, Lisa and I haven't done anything with just us and the boys other than run a few errands. We finally made it a point to get the boys together today and play...and allow us time to have adult conversation (about our kids, of course!).
When Wyatt was only a few weeks old, I watched him at our house while Lisa went to an appt. The boys 'played' together then (laid on a mat and looked at the ceiling!), and Callen showed his first signs of jealousy when I picked up Wyatt to play with him.
Not much excitement!
The boys are so much more interactive now, and developing their own personalities. It was really cute to watch them interact with each other as well as play on their own. We only hung out for about an hour before both boys were ready for naps. I hope we can get the boys together more for play time, especially as it warms up and we can take them outside to play.
Wyatt, you need to sit back in the chair! |
Other people's toys taste so much better than mine! |
Some of these toys look awfully familiar |
Play dates are fun... |
but so very tiring! |
A little more interaction than their first get together!